
发布日期:2024-08-15 22:31    点击次数:156



League of Legends is not only a game but also an esport, and like any other sport, it has its own set of tactics. The game requires collaboration, communication, and adaptability for success. In this article, we will discuss some of the key tactics used in League of Legends esports.

Champion selection

The game of League of Legends starts with champion selection where each player chooses a champion to play. The first tactical decision comes here - choosing champions that suit the team's strategy. Teams can decide to go for a well-rounded composition or to prioritize specific game objectives. For example, a team may opt for early-game champions to secure an early lead, or late-game champions for a stronger late game.

Laning phase

The laning phase is where the champions go to their respective lanes and farm minions for gold and experience. During the laning phase, players need to balance farming with harassment, zoning, and wave management. One tactical element that can be employed is called wave manipulation. This tactic involves controlling the minion waves to slow or speed up their advancement towards an enemy turret. It can create opportunities to gank opponents or make it difficult to stop a push from your team.

Objective control

Objectives are critical to winning in League of Legends. Objectives such as Baron Nashor and Dragon provide significant bonuses and can help secure a victory. Teams need to control these objectives and secure them whenever possible. A common tactic used is to leverage a team fight victory to secure an objective, but sometimes it is better to bait the enemy team into a fight, sacrificing a member, and seizing the objective while the enemy is distracted.

Vision control

Vision control refers to maintaining control over the game's vision. In League of Legends, vision is provided by wards, which are placed on the map. Vision can be used to track enemy movements, detect ganks, and control objectives. Teams will try to establish control over vision to provide their own team with an advantage while denying the enemy team information. For instance, the jungler may use a vision control item to clear out the enemy's wards around a specific area, which can lead to a successful gank or an objective takeover.

Baron and Elder Dragon control

Baron and Elder Dragon are the most significant neutral objectives in League of Legends. Securing either one of these two objectives can give a team a massive advantage. Baron Nashor provides increased damage and empowerment to minions, while the Elder Dragon can provide multiple bonuses, including true damage, increased movement speed, and increased damage to minions and turrets. Teams need to be able to control these objectives to turn the tides of a game. A significant tactical decision is deciding whether to take the risk of going for either of these objectives or to prioritize other objectives instead.


League of Legends is a team game that is played at the highest levels in the esports scene. Tactical decisions are made throughout the game, starting with the champion selection stage, the laning phase, and extending to objective control, vision control, Baron and Elder Dragon control. Teams that can make the best use of these tactics and adapt their strategies to the ever-changing game world hold the upper hand in their matches.


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